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Gaspergou (Goo) Etouffee Recipe for Freshwater Drum

Title: Gaspergou (Goo) Etouffee
by justtexguy
Type: Appetizer
Servings: 4
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour, 0 minutes
Ingredients: 6 pounds goo fish cut in large pieces
1/4 cup water
1 tsp each salt*, black pepper*, cayenne pepper* 3 tsp vegetable Lou Anna oil
2 pods garlic minced
1 bunch parsley chopped
1 large bell pepper chopped
2 tbsp flour
3 stalks celery chopped
2 lemon slices
1 large bunch green onions chopped
1 1/2 cans tomato sauce
Directions: Select a large heavy pot with handles that you can handle well enough to shake, as you never stir the fish while it is cooking.

Rub the pieces of fish with a mixture of salt, black pepper and cayenne pepper. Put oil in the unheated pot. Arrange half of the fish on the bottom.
Mix the chopped vegetables and sprinkle half over fish. Sprinkle 1 tablespoon of flour over the vegetables and half of the tomato sauce and then repeat layers. Add the lemon and 1/4 cup water.

Place pot over low flame (heat) and cook slowly for one hour or until fish is tender.
Shake pot often to keep from sticking. Never stir as this
will break up the fish.
When tender, taste for seasoning and add more if necessary.
Recommended Sides you'd eat it over rice & I'd add cole slaw or green salad with it. Oh & Garlic bread to sop up the gravy that the rice doesn't get .......................It does not get much better
Other Notes:
Date Added: 04/23/10 04:54 PM

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